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English Language Learners (ELL)


Experience streamlined English Language Learner (ELL) management with the PowerSchool ELL module, designed to assist administrators and educators in a variety of essential tasks:

Recording WIDA Scores: Easily document and track WIDA scores for accurate assessment of English language proficiency.

Determining Initial OPL and Student English Learner Placement: Utilize the module to efficiently assess initial Optimal Proficiency Level (OPL) and place students in appropriate English Learner programs.

Documenting Parent Notifications: Seamlessly record and manage parent notifications related to English Learner status, ensuring clear communication and compliance.

Entering Information about Primary Language Assessment: Effortlessly input details about Primary Language Assessments for comprehensive student language proficiency documentation.

Recording Parent Requests for Biliteracy Education: Keep track of parent requests for Biliteracy education, promoting transparency and meeting language education preferences.

Monitoring Reclassified Students for Scheduled Reviews: Stay organized by monitoring reclassified students for scheduled reviews, ensuring continued academic progress and language proficiency.

Determining Newcomer Status: Streamline the process of determining Newcomer status for students, facilitating tailored support for those newly entering the educational system.

The PowerSchool ELL module is a comprehensive tool that centralizes and simplifies English Language Learner management, promoting efficiency and accuracy in supporting linguistically diverse student populations.

English Language Learners (ELL)
Certified ByPowerSchool
Certified by PowerSchool signifies that a product or service has undergone rigorous security and performance testing, meeting the stringent standards set by PowerSchool, a trusted leader in education technology.